America's Thanksgiving holiday, born in the 1500s, mythologized in 1621, and observed even during the bleakest hours of the Civil War, now stands as one of the nation’s most anticipated and beloved days — celebrated each year on the fourth Thursday in November (November 24, 2022). Perhaps no other nonsectarian holiday has more tradition. Family, friends, food, and football have come to symbolize Thanksgiving — a rare celebratory holiday without an established gift-giving component. Instead, the day urges all of us to be grateful for things we do have.
Thanksgiving, both in its meaning and in the way it is celebrated, has hardly changed since 1621. On this day, churches of all denominations are open to give thanks to God for his generous gifts.
Thanksgiving is a family holiday. All over the country, husbands and wives, children and the elderly, from city to town, from town to township, from township to village, all return to their hometowns to spend the holiday together. Those who cannot go home also make long-distance calls to chat with their parents and family members and share their gratitude. Thanksgiving dinner is practically the same across the country. The table is always filled with all kinds of delicious food. Naturally mostly turkey. Eating pumpkin pie is to remind everyone that the Indians gave such a gift to the first settlers.
In most households, some traditional games are done after meals. Thanksgiving is a joyous celebration, a time of family reunion and a time to renew friendships. On that day, even bachelors are always invited to other people's homes to share in the joy of thanksgiving and thank God for the grace of God. That's what Thanksgiving is all about.
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